Monday, July 19, 2010

Digital Storytelling

It's always an adventure in LIS 629!

Today we discovered various tools for Digital Storytelling to add to our repertoire of web2.0 tools we've be exposed to over the last 4 classes. We learned that Digital Storytelling involves using digital tools to help ordinary people tell their own 'true stories' in a compelling and emotionally engaging form. These stories are short and can involve interactivity.

I enjoyed learning about Digital Storytelling and feel the available tools are beneficial for students and teachers alike because they bring out our creativity in a fun, new way. They also allow us to easily reflect on the work of others and provide feedback as with VoiceThread. VoiceThread is a tool all educators can utilize with their classes to encourage discussions. The teacher can enter students' work then the other students can view it and make comments.

Photostory is another tool that can and should be used by educators. I loved the idea of students doing book reports or book talks with Photostory, and its very simple to use even for younger students. As a librarian I might use this to do book reviews and post them on the school library website.

We are learning so much valuable web2.0 technology, and I am looking forward to incorporating into my own School Library as a future School Media Specialist.