Thursday, July 15, 2010

So Much Technology: LIS 629 - 15 July

During today's class we learned about Goggle Apps, Personal/Professional Learning Network including social networking and social bookmarking. We signed up for Twitter, tagged website on Delicious, and subscribed to blogs. This felt a technology overload, and yet there's so much more to learn.

At first, all of these web2.0 tools seemed overwhelming, but once I started thinking about how they could help me in my personal life, in school, at my current job and of course as a future librarian, it is actually very exciting.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Google is not just for keyword searching. I never used the advanced search feature before, and it will make finiding the information I need so much easier. I also really like the translate text, the wonder wheel and the timeline apps. The timeline is perfect for students who are doing research on a particular current or historical event. As a librarian, I will definitely use the Google Books as well and create book lists and reviews for students and parents. I never used Google Docs either, but now I will for collaborative projects.

I am always looking to learn, so being a part of social netowrking sites and subscribing to blogs will allow me to learn from other professionals in the library field. However, Twitter may take some getting used to...I tend to be wordy, so keeping it to 160 characters might be a challenge!

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